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The exact numbers generated by the nude pictures of the Duchess were not disclosed but appear to be in the millions. The Hogan tape led to eight million page views to Gawker, the jury were told. The couple launched legal action for breach of privacy against the publishers of Closer magazine in France after it ran the images. The pictures of the Duchess were taken in September 2012 by a French photographer who used a long lens from a road while she and Prince William stood on the balcony of a rural chateau in Provence.

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He claims that the money will make up for the personal and professional harm done to him in what has become a test case for freedom of the press. Shanti Shunn, a digital marketing expert, told the jury that the sex tape was viewed nearly 4.5 million times off of and Jeff Anderson, a specialist in intellectual property valuation, suggested that the spike in traffic in the months after the posting benefited Gawker by at least $5 million, and more likely, about $15 million. Hogan's team estimate the profit Gawker made from the sex tape was up to $15m. The email emerged during testimony in $100 million (£68 million) lawsuit brought by wrestler Hulk Hogan against Gawker for publishing a sex tape showing him and a friend’s wife. The details emerged during a court case brought by wrestler Hulk Hogan, pictured, who is suing Gawker for $100 million after they published a video of him having sex with a friend's wife

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